Zapatistas Announce Caravan to Mark Their 30th Anniversary in Mexico

Zapatistas Announce Caravan to Mark Their 30th Anniversary in Mexico

December 22, 2023 Off By Author

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) has announced a significant event to commemorate their 30th anniversary: a caravan traversing various parts of Mexico. Set to commence on December 25, this caravan will journey through six of Mexico’s 32 states, ultimately reaching Zapatista territory in the southern state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala.

Organizers expect the participation of around 600 people from 19 Mexican states and 20 different countries. The caravan, dubbed the ‘caravan of caravans,’ aims to celebrate three decades since the EZLN’s armed uprising.

Given the increasing violence in Chiapas due to organized crime, the caravan organizers have requested non-intervention by the armed forces during their passage. This request has been particularly emphasized to Chiapas authorities due to the heightened presence of crime and perceived inaction by the authorities.

The caravan’s safety and respect for human rights are of utmost concern, with the renowned Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center appointed as an observer. The state of Chiapas, witnessing a climate akin to civil war due to armed conflicts and the dominance of drug cartels like Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), has seen a rise in homicides, disappearances, and forced displacements, especially in indigenous communities and those allied with the EZLN.