Javier Milei’s Radical Reforms in Argentina Stir Controversy and Resistance

Javier Milei’s Radical Reforms in Argentina Stir Controversy and Resistance

December 22, 2023 Off By Author

Javier Milei, the newly elected ultra-right-wing president of Argentina, has introduced a series of radical proposals that are stirring significant controversy and resistance. Milei, who took office on December 10, 2023, amid a severe financial crisis, aims to drastically reduce the state’s role and enforce a ‘zero tolerance’ policy against crime. His primary economic plans include dollarization, downsizing government ministries, and eliminating social assistance and pension funds. On security, he intends to lower the legal age of responsibility and deregulate the legal firearms market. Foreign policy-wise, he seeks alignment with the U.S. and Israel, contemplates exiting Mercosur, and has made controversial comments about the Vatican and BRICS nations. In education and health, Milei plans to merge ministries and implement voucher systems and insurance-based public health. These measures, along with his stance on human rights issues, particularly those related to the military dictatorship period, have sparked intense debate and opposition within and outside Argentina.