Argentina Ramps Up Efforts to Combat Illegal Fishing in South Atlantic

Argentina Ramps Up Efforts to Combat Illegal Fishing in South Atlantic

December 21, 2023 Off By Author

In response to a surge in clandestine fishing operations, primarily by Chinese, South Korean, and Taiwanese vessels, Argentina’s Joint Maritime Command has launched Operation Grifon XVI. The operation involves deploying the ARA Piedrabuena Oceanic Patrol Vessel (OPV) to safeguard the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the Atlantic.

The ARA Piedrabuena, a French-built naval unit, has been assigned to combat the illegal capture of Argentine illex squid, a species under threat due to overfishing. This move addresses concerns over the arrival of over 400 foreign fishing boats, some capable of catching up to 1,500 tons. These vessels pose a significant threat to local fishermen due to their low operating costs and high catch capacity.

Operation Grifon XVI aligns with international commitments to protect marine species and support local fishing communities. The ARA Piedrabuena also participates in Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) operations in the Ushuaia Search and Rescue Coordination Center, providing essential assistance to vessels in need. The operation is a critical step in Argentina’s efforts to preserve its marine biodiversity and uphold the economic interests of its local fishing industry.